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         Distorted Mrs. Nnabuagha, Dweller on the Rubbish Dump at Ogwashuku Main Market

Mrs. Nnagbuagha, mother of Kingsley Nnagbuagha, the idiot born from the spittle of a  dog,Mrs. Nnagbuagha,  a demented

creature sleeping in the rubbish dump that befits her as the filthy creature she is the main market at Ogwashuku.

  t was terrible. She did not even know her own name. She was subhuman.

Someone called my private number so I could  help her as I did the last  time before  the elder Mr. Nnagbuagha  brutalized her

and  sent her again into the rubbish dump existence, eating dirt,  her favorite food.

There is hope but we must act fast to help this most unfortunate personage.


Part of the cure is the behavior of their retarded and idiot son, Kingsley Nnagbuagha.

I have severally advised f Kingsley Nnagbuagha, creature born of the urine of a millipede, also known as  Kingsley the Idiot, the

perpetual goat and retard, I have advised you to stop showing the world his  small brain.

Is it fair to his father and mother, those unfortunate creatures  who passed on that little shallow brain to their unfortunate son?


As his  mother wallows in the rubbish dump at Ugwashuku market, her home, she cries for her son with the brain of a  millipede.

She is filthy and idiotic but she still has some sense  and so wants her retard son  to reform.

His  father remains an animal who I am treating to help him recover his humanity but even in his deadened  brain he feels for his

imbecile son.

They have advised me to help you get on the straight and narrow path.

Since only I, as a specialist  in the peculiar distortions suffered by this tragic  family, can communicate with those poor souls, I

have to try to help their demented and mentally crooked son.

But,Kingsley, son a cow's urine  makes  the job difficult.

He does not take his   medication.

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